Great Reading

If I can't be out hiking then one of my favortie things to be doing is reading about hiking. Here are some of my favorites.

Food Dehydration and Preparation

Bell, Mary Mary Bell's Complete Dehydrator Cookbook, William Morrow and Company, Inc. New York, 1994

Mary Bell is a backpacker and writes from 20 years of experience dehydrating foods-a winning combination.

Fleming, June The Well-Fed Backpacker Vintage Books, New York 1986

The emphasis here is also on dried foodsl. Also with more general tips for preparing simple meals on the trail.

Yaffe, Linda Frederick, High Trail Cookery. All-natural home-dried meals for the backpacker. 1997

Backpacking Handbooks

Fletcher, Colin The Complete Walker III Alfred Knopf, New York, 1996

A classic. Colin is sort of the unofficial grandfather of long distance walking. This book is a little out of date, but great reading if you love to hike.This is also not a place to look for information on light weight backpacking.

Jardine, Ray Beyond Backpacking A must read for those considering light weight backpackiing.

Ross, Cindy & Todd Gladfelter A Hiker's Companion The Mountaineers, Seattle Washington, 1993

Great tips that draw on 12,000 miles of hiking experience. But don't expect tips for light weight hikiing.

Townsend, Chris The Backpacker's Handbook Ragged Mountain Press, Camden, Maine 1997

Very extensive and more up to date than Colin Fletcher's book. Chris is also a legendary hiker.

Townsend, Chris The Advanced Backpacker Ragged Mountain Press, Camden, Maine 2001

Townsend, Chris Wilderness Skiing and Winter Camping, Ragged Mountain Press, Camden, Maine 1994

Hiking in Michigan

DuFresne, Jim Fifty Hikes in Lower Michigan Backcountry Publications, Woodstock, Vermont 1991

Hansen, Dennis R. Trail Atlas of Michigan Hansen Publishing Co., Okemos, Michigan 1997

If it is a trail in Michigan, it is probably in this book


Deeds, Jean There are Mountains to Climb Silverwood Press, Indianapolis, Indiana 1996

One of the best books about AT thu-hikes.

Fletcher, Colin The Secret Worlds of Colin Fletcher Alfred A. Knopf New York 1989. Also by the hiking geru; The Man Who Walked Through Time and The River There are more, these are the ones I've read and enjoyed.

Townsend, Chris Walking the Yukon Ragged Mountain Press, Camden, Maine

Chris walked the length of the Yukon, mostly without the benefit of trails.

Great Lakes & Mid West History

Thom, James, Alexander The Red Heart Ballantine Books, New York 1997

I love to read about the wilderness in our country before we screwed it up. This book and several others by James Thom will help re-create that scene for the mid-west and Great Lake country.


Peacock, Doug Grizzly Years Henry Holt & Co. New York 1990

Doug Peacock describes his twenty years living with and photographing grizzlys.

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